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Hours of Operation. Mon 8:30-4:45. Tues 10:30-5:15. Wed closed. Thurs 10:30-5:15. Fri 8:30-1:30.(We are currently not accepting new patients at this time.) Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on supporting the body's own self healing abilities, providing what the body needs for proper function and health restoration. Chiropractic is holistic and vitalistic, providing physiologically compatible care. Many people seek out chiropractic care for back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms and/or legs, as well as headaches, to name a few.
Bio Mat and Bio Acoustic Mat Therapy
Receive a synergy of care, Infrared Heat, Vibration, and Entrainment. Both mats used together deliver a whole new level of relaxation, well-being, and healing to your experience. Benefits include, temporary relief from minor muscle pain, joint pain and stiffness, arthritis pain, muscle spasms, minor strains, minor sprains, relaxation of muscles, and increase of local circulation where applied.
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Need Help? 403-580-5710